5 Red Flags on a First Date to Watch Out For

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There are some red flags that you need to look out for when you first hit the dating scene. Dating can sometimes be an anxious time for the most confident people. Whether it is a blind date or your first date with someone you have already known for a while, it is completely common to get nervous about what you need to say, what you need to wear, or if you will even like the guy you will be dating. But before you decide to go out and completely commit yourself to the entire evening of bad dating, it would be best to familiarize yourself first with the red flags of a bad date. Here are some of the biggest gay dating bugbears that you need to watch out for

  1. Being Judgmental – A person that is being judgmental would be a great turn off while being on a date. Whether they are judgmental of your or any else present in your vicinity, including the ranting about the individuals or other categories of people, whether it is a political group, race, or whatever, being judgmental is not good for you on your first date.
  2. Being Disrespectful – Disrespecting you or the people around you, including the waiting stuffs, is a sign that your date is not a great or good person. Keep in mind that being nice to someone you want to be impressed is too easy. But are you nice to the Uber driver, the ice cream server, r the waitress? Those are the real tells of who your date really is. If your date is mean to people around you, that is already a red flag.
  3. If They Are A Phone Addict – Your date constantly using mobile phone would surely be very annoying. Showing that a sign of being a phone addict during the first date with someone is a red flag. Keep in mind that on the firsts date, you supposedly get to know each other more deeply. It would be best if your date can put their phone away and spend all the time talking with you.
  4. If They Are Late – Without a prior warning, being late would be a signal that your date might not be all they seem. Being late more than 15 minutes without a phone call or a text telling that he will be late is a red flag on first dates. Meet or date someone who can tell you that he will be late. Keep in mind that being late is not really a matter, but the fact that you’re waiting there without any idea what’s happening is really annoying.
  5. If They Are Competitive – Be warned of the dates with a competitive streak. Does your date one-up your entire stories? Is your conversation filled with stories of over-achievement or name-dropping? If he a workaholic? Keep in mind that you are looking for a great partner, not a nemesis. And you want him to be available to you always, not holed up in office obsessed in climbing the business ladder fast than his peers.

These are the red flags to watch out for on your first date. If you think you also have those red flag, it would be better to change it as soon as possible.

A good read – The 5 red flags to look out for when dating | The Independent